5 Reasons Podcasts Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

The old adage, “Content is king,” still rings true today. And it’s not just about any content — it’s about the right content.  

Enter podcasts.  For those that aren’t familiar, podcasts are basically “on-demand radio shows” that you can listen to at any time from most mobile devices and computers.  They can allow you to create a unique, engaging platform that reaches your target audience and builds a relationship with them in a way other mediums can’t.  

But how do you know if a podcast is right for your business?

Here are five reasons to consider a branded podcast as part of your marketing strategy:

1. Speak to your audience in an authentic way.

Podcasts are special.  They have an ability to connect with communities in ways that other mediums fall short on.  Part of the reason for this is they are intimate in nature.

As we mentioned in another article, podcasts are not advertisements, and should not be thought of as such.  Your podcast is a place to create real value in your audience’s life in the form of either entertainment, education, or both.  

If you can accomplish this, your listeners will start to build a trusting relationship with your show and brand.  Breaking down communication boundaries between your brand and your audience can allow you to speak to them in ways that would not be possible in other mediums.  It can give another layer of depth to your brand’s voice and a new way to connect with the people that are most important to your business.  

2. Repurpose podcasts as transcripts, blog posts, videos, and more.

Want an easy way to generate more content for your business?  Your podcast is a swiss army knife when it comes to repurposing..  

Transcribe episodes, which are often rich in keywords related to your business and subject matter, to help with SEO on your website.  Record video with your podcast to add another layer of depth for your audience and use compelling clips for social media and more.  Use podcast episodes as content for your blog, utilizing all the above to make robust blog posts that can generate organic traffic to your business.

The possibilities for repurposing can go as far as your imagination can take them.  You can even create a book out of the best tidbits and takeaways from your show, be creative and explore the possibilities of this powerful tool. 

3. Be on the forefront of the audio content movement.

Want a way for your brand to stand out from the crowd?  Entering the audio space now, while it is still relatively new, is a great way to show that your company is on the cutting edge and willing to stay relevant with today’s trends.

Podcasts have the fastest growing audience in digital media according to a 2021 report from Stitcher.  There is still lots of room in the podcast space to create shows in niches and areas that haven’t yet been tapped into.  Brands should look at these whitespaces as areas of opportunity when thinking about getting into podcasting.  

With the audio space growing at the pace it is, it would almost be silly for a brand to ignore the opportunities it can present.  Get in now, while the opportunity is still ripe.

4. Build trust.

Building trust with prospective customers is something that every brand strives for, and is something that is not easy to accomplish.  This is another area that podcasts have an advantage over almost every other type of media.  It’s another effect of the intimate relationship podcasts can nurture between listeners and hosts.  

The type of trust that a person can build through listening to a podcast is priceless and something that brands have been trying to accomplish for decades.  With the right approach, your podcast can become a trust-building machine for your brand that has the potential to imprint a lasting positive impression on a customer.  

Selecting the right host is essential, and needs to be thoughtfully considered before starting your show.  You want someone who can speak authentically to your audience so that the content never seems forced and always has an organic, trusting tone. 

5. Build relationships.

Need a reason to break the ice? Want to build meaningful relationships that could lead to more business?  Inviting someone on your podcast as a guest is an incredible way to start a new business relationship.

Asking someone to be a guest on your podcast makes them feel important, and shows them that you value their expertise.  Make sure to structure your interview to include questions that will highlight the guests areas of expertise and give them plenty of room to answer questions thoughtfully.   

It never hurts to schedule a quick pre-interview before the real one to get a better sense of subject areas the person may be interested in speaking on.  This is also a good opportunity to break the ice in a more casual setting, as interviews with a stranger can be intimidating for some folks.

These are just some of the reasons to consider adding podcasts to your brand’s marketing and content strategy.  I am sure you can probably think of five more on your own!  Whatever the reason is, making an investment in the podcast space can pay off with fantastic results and there is no better time to start than now.

by Mitch Bluestein